Insonoriser une pièce sans travaux et facilement - HollowSound - HollowSound

Soundproof a room without work and easily

The best means of soundproofing

Noise in a home is often a source of conflict, whether between neighbors or within a family. While not everyone can embark on a complete renovation, there are simple and effective solutions to implement to reduce the volume.

1. Carpets and wall tapestries:

Using thick rugs on the floor and wall tapestries can help absorb some of the ambient noise, reducing echoes and sound vibrations.

These textile elements add texture and softness to surfaces, helping to improve the acoustics and sound comfort of a room.

HollowSound Mat

2. Thick Curtains:

Hanging thick, heavy curtains on windows can help reduce sound transmission between the inside and outside of the room.

Curtains of this type act as additional barriers that absorb and reflect sound waves, helping to create a calmer and more comfortable indoor environment.

HollowSound soundproofing curtain

3. Cushions and textiles:

Arrange cushions, throws and other soft textiles in the room. They can help absorb sounds and make the environment less reverberant.

These textiles act as porous materials that absorb some of the energy of sound waves, helping to reduce reverberation and create a more pleasant sound environment.

HollowSound textile and cushions

4. Filled Shelves:

Shelves filled with books, boxes or other objects can play an important role as natural sound insulators. This is due to their ability to absorb part of the sound waves that propagate in a space.

As sound travels, it encounters various surfaces, some of which reflect the sound waves while others absorb them. Shelves filled with objects provide a complex surface with many irregular surfaces, corners and recesses.

This complex structure helps disperse and absorb sound waves more effectively than smooth surfaces.

HollowSound book shelf

5. Removable Acoustic Dressings:

There are removable acoustic panels made of foam or fiber on the market that can be attached to walls using adhesive strips. They help to reduce sound reverberations.

If you are looking for good quality, reliable and environmentally friendly acoustic panels, our site offers a selection of products that could meet your needs.

We are committed to providing solutions that not only improve the acoustics of your space, but are also designed in an environmentally responsible manner.

Feel free to browse our range of acoustic panels to find the ones that best suit your space and aesthetic preferences.

HollowSound acoustic foam

6. Removable partitions:

Screens or movable partitions covered in insulating materials can serve as a physical barrier to sound, helping to block or reduce it.

These structures offer a flexible way to divide space while improving overall acoustics.

Screens and movable partitions act as strong barriers between different areas of the room. By using insulating materials such as sound absorbing panels or sound deadening materials, they can block some of the sound that travels from one area to another. This is especially useful in spaces where you want to minimize sound transmission, such as between offices, workspaces, or recording studios.

HollowSound removable partition

7. Sealing of spaces:

Use draft excluders to seal gaps under doors, as well as rubber seals for sliding windows, to minimize sound leaks.

These simple but effective solutions work by preventing sound from traveling through openings and gaps around doors and windows.

Draft excluders are cushions or tubes of soft material, such as fabric or rubber, placed along the bottom of the door to seal gaps between the door and the floor. By filling these gaps, door draft excluders prevent the passage of sound between rooms or between the interior and exterior. This helps reduce unwanted noise that might enter or exit through gaps under doors.

HollowSound draft excluder

8. Upholstered Furniture:

Opt for upholstered furniture like sofas and armchairs rather than hardwood furniture because they absorb more sound.

Hardwood furniture, while it can add a stylish aesthetic to a space, tends to reflect sounds rather than absorb them. This can lead to an accumulation of unwanted noise, causing an uncomfortable acoustic environment. Hard surfaces reflect sound waves, creating reverberations and echoes, which can affect the quality of communication, concentration and overall comfort.

HollowSound upholstered furniture

9. Wall coverings:

Use absorbent materials such as cork or acoustic foam panels to cover the walls, reducing sound reflections.

Cork is a naturally porous material that has excellent sound absorption properties. When sound waves strike the surface of the cork, they penetrate the pores of the material and are converted into thermal energy by the vibrations of the particles. Cork panels can be attached to walls to create absorbent surfaces, reducing sound reflections and improving the sound quality of the space. Cork also offers aesthetic and ecological benefits, making it an attractive choice for various interior design settings.

HollowSound cork panels

10. Upholstered Closet Doors:

If you have closet doors in the room, you might consider padding them with absorbent materials to dampen noises.

Soundproof cupboard door

Remember that combining several of these methods can often yield the best results. However, it is important to keep in mind that total soundproofing of a room without major work may be limited. These solutions generally provide a significant improvement but may not completely eliminate all unwanted noise.

Most of the products mentioned are available directly from our HollowSound product page.

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